Evidence of e-learning in surgical education - literature review
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9 December 2012
database used to search for articles was Academic Search Complete from the
digital library of the OUM LMS. The
search terms e-learning, medical education and surgery were used. This Boolean
search returned 596 articles, of which those relevant articles with research on
various e-learning techniques as the dependent variable, and outcomes in
learning as the independent variables on the population of surgical trainees
were chosen. The search was limited to full articles in peer-reviewed journals
between 2002 and 2012.
One of the references (Larvin, 2009), was
used as a framework to understand the current thinking and practice of e-learning
in the surgical environment. Larvin is an authority on e-learning in surgical
education both as a leader and practitioner in the Royal Colleges of Surgeons
in the United Kingdom, which is the body that is responsible for surgical
education and training in the United Kingdom.
He acknowledges that e-learning remains a novelty in surgical education
as compared to undergraduate medical education where it has become common
practice. Larvin adds that e-learning has tremendous potential in surgical
education as compared to other specialties. The introduction of the European Working
Time Directive has added further challenges to surgical education in Europe.
All the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in the United Kingdom have agreed on the
importance of e-learning to augment asynchronous learning for surgical
trainees. The results of the survey conducted by the Royal Colleges on the
effectiveness of e-learning has shown great acceptance by surgical trainees and
emphasises the importance of adding value, linking to existing and other
e-learning resources. Formative assessment within e learning has been found to
be valuable as it provides safe and valuable feedback for surgical trainees.(Larvin, 2009 p 136)
Methodology and measure
methodologies were employed in these researches to study the effect and
acceptance of eLearning in surgical training. Citak et al., Corrigan et al., and
Coughlan et al., (Citak et al., 2009;
Corrigan et al., Coughlan et al., Coughlan et al 2012) used a similar methodology of survey to assess the
effectiveness of e-learning in surgical education. Cital et al
(Citak et al., 2009) had
used an online trauma surgery repository for the teaching of trauma surgery for
medical students in Hanover. Here they surveyed the students after the use of
the independent variable which was the online trauma surgery Schoolbook for the
academic year and the dependent variable was the satisfaction obtained from the
use of the e-learning trauma surgery repository by completing the
questionnaire. The questionnaire designed for this had included the evaluation
of the students of the e-learning based on the mode of accessing, utilization
and opinion toward the e-learning material. . Corrigan et al (Corrigan et al., 2012) similarly used an online repository of surgical educational
material as the independent variable in their study and surveyed the
participants on the effectiveness of the online repository through
questionnaire. Here the authors had use
a commercial tool to measure usage of the online repository and a survey based feedback.
Response rate for those participants was 67% making it valid. Effectiveness of the
programme was measured with a focus group again having the same response rate. Coughlan
et al (Coughlan et al 2012) used a CD-ROM format of
e-learning as the independent variable and survey questionnaire to evaluate the surgical
content and learning benefit among surgical trainees. By using this they
excluded problems of web-based learning in terms of connectivity and bandwidth.
They had modified a validated questionnaire which was used to evaluate
instructional multimedia application interface features proposed by Reeves and
Harmon (1994).
et al., Hull et al and Ridgway et al., however
performed primary research by using various e-learning programs as the
independent variable and measured performance, using standardise assessment
tools, as the dependent variable. Bhatti et al (Bhatti et al., 2011) had
used standard lecture and an e-learning program as their independent variables and
measure its effectiveness using an assessment tool consisting of Multiple-choice
questions and Extended matching questions which are validated knowledge acquisition
assessment tools in medical education, where performance in this assessment was
the dependent variable. Hull et al (Hull et al., 2009) had
used bedside teaching and computer-based learning as the independent variable in their study however
they included sequencing of these as another independent variable in their
study. The effectiveness in producing
learning in their study was performed by measuring performance at a standardise
validated assessment tool in the clinical setting, the objective structured
clinical examination (OSCE).
Ridgway (Ridgway et al., 2007) studied the effect of two e-learning programs, independent variables,
one being a text only learning material and the other text and audio . The effectiveness of these
independent variables was assessed by the use of standard assessment tool which
was a multiple-choice questionnaire designed
specifically to assess learning of
the text and graphical material presented in the lecture
series. Acceptability was assessed by standardized
anonymous questionnaire based on Likert scales for the different independent
variables and focusing on ease of use, accessibility, relevance, content and
satisfaction measure using survey questionnaire.
for the Coughlan study where the population were surgical trainees all the
other studies included medical students
in the population. In Bhatti et al., study(Bhatti et al., 2011) , the
population of medical student were subjected to various learning materials as the independent variable, they being normal
lecture and e-learning and were randomised using a web-based randomisation
program called QuickCalcs which has been validated as an appropriate tool in
the clinical setting by Suresh et al (Suresh, 2011).
In the
Hull et al study the medical student population was randomised using a
randomisation software into two groups where one had the sequencing of bedside
teaching followed by computer-based learning as compared to the other which had
computer-based learning prior to bedside teaching as the independent variable.
In the Ridgway
et al study there was no randomisation of the population of medical students. All
of them were entered into the independent variables which consist of a lecture
series consisting of text with no audio and another independent variable consisting of lectures
with audio. Therefore the whole populations were subjected to different
intervention in the form of the learning material being a multimedia e-learning
and without multimedia.
In the
other three studies (Citak et al., 2009; Corrigan et al., Coughlan et al., 2012) there was no randomisation
of the population as it was a survey of all those involved and the return rate of questionnaires were
satisfactorily and acceptable levels for qualitative research.
results from the survey type studies in this literature review (Citak et al.,
2009; Corrigan et al., Coughlan et al 2012), showed general acceptance and
utilisation of e-learning by students in surgical education at undergraduate
and postgraduate level. Citak et al had shown that even the instructors had
found the e-learning useful in their teaching. Coughlan et al had shown the
participants had benefited and found the e-learning relevant to the learning
needs and indicated that the e-learning be expanded to other nonsurgical
experimental papers, Bhatti et al., Hull
et al and Ridgway et al , the authors had shown that e-learning with multimedia
content is effective in bringing about knowledge acquisition in undergraduate
teaching. Bhatti et al had shown that “e Learning supplemented with a podcast
results in greater knowledge acquisition when compared with a traditional
lecture, without a loss of satisfaction with teaching.”(Bhatti et al., 2011 p 459). Hull et al in their study showed that e-learning with bedsides
teaching in that sequence was most effective for students to learn orthopaedic knee examination however if only
one modality was available bedside teaching was preferred than solitary
e-learning. Ridgway et al clearly showed that the addition of audio to
web-based learning improved examination results.(Ridgway et al., 2007 p 168).
literature reviews has shown that there is evidence to show the effectiveness
and usefulness of e-learning programs in surgical education. It has good acceptance
and utilisation of e-learning repositories by learners in surgery and produces
some guidelines for design of instructional materials for e-learning in the
surgical educational environment.
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