Surgical Training
there a difference between education and training?
Peter J. Fabri, MD, PhD, FACSAssociate Dean, Graduate Medical Education
University of South Florida College of Medicine
Tampa, FL
Training is concerned with acquiring a skill or the psychomotor domain of learning. This objective can be accomplished through apprenticeships, seminars, workshops, classes, or self-study (eg, reading, observing videotapes, etc.). With training, a task analysis will yield a complete “step-by-step” list of what needs to be done to accomplish the skill being learned. One knows if the training was accomplished when the trainee can reiterate the right answers and/or demonstrate the “approved way” of doing something. Training is specific, has a definite goal and a time, and requires a show of proficiency. In summary, the desired outcome of training is a skill and training has predefined content and is a closed system.
The aim of education is broader than training. It strives to prepare learners to be analytical thinkers and problem solvers by facilitating the learning of principles, concepts, rules, facts, and associated skills and values/attitudes. Its aim is to develop residents’ understanding, abilities to synthesize information, and work skills within and beyond the workplace. Therefore, it often includes what might be considered generic or general topics without a specific, immediate application